【同义词辨析】 2020-02-18 分配allot-allocate

allot: implies haphazard or arbitrary distribution with no suggestion of fairness or equality: each child was ~ed a portion of pie.     haphazard缺乏计划杂乱无序随意applies to what is done without a plan or regard for regularity or fitness or ultimate consequence,如his selection of college courses was entirely haphazard随意选大学课程,如the books had been piled on the shelves in a haphazard fashion书架上的书堆放得杂乱无序,如the government's approach to the problem was haphazard政府解决这一问题的方法缺乏计划)   (arbitrary武断implies the exercise and usually the abuse of power according to momentary inclination是指根据一时喜好作决定,如his high-handed, arbitrary way of running his department他高压而武断地运营部门)

assign: stresses an authoritative and fixed allotment but carries no clear implication of an even division: each employee is ~ed a parking place.

apportion: implies a dividing according to some principle of equal or proportionate distribution: profits were ~ed according to a predetermined ratio.  proportionate成比例的,在171121 比例proportional组

allocate: suggests a fixed appropriation of money, property, territory, or powers to a person or group for a particular use: ~d $50.000 for park improvements   appropriation拨款拨专款refers to an amount of money used for a particular purpose, especially by governments or companies特别是给政府或公司使用的,如the government raised defence appropriations by 12 percent政府将国防拨款提高了12%, 如an appropriation of £20 000 for payment of debts用于还债的2万英镑拨款,如the House Appropriations Committee是美国众议院拨款委员会)

allot分给分配: 指武断随意地分配,不考虑平等公平,assign分给分配: 强调权威确定,但也未必平等,apportion分配: 根据平等或成比例原则分配,allocate分配划拨: 表示划拨一定数量资金财产土地权力,用于特定用途

记忆方法: 1)首字母AAAA想成扑克中4个A<==分配           在2019-12-25 分配distribute-dole提到过,""的原义是"用不同的配制而成的颜色","配,酒色也",所以有酒字旁,后引申为(按适当的标准或比例)调和安排补充,如配色配菜般配配件配偶,分配里的""表示"安排",如调配配送发配       distribute组中的分配强调分配给"每个人",而本组一般表示分配给"个别人",除非主语是"每个人"

        2)分配的意思是给一部份一批或一职责mean to give as a share, portion, role, or lot.      lot的本意是一组一批a group or set of people or things,如the first lot of visitors has/have arrived首游客已经到达,如I have several lots of essays to mark this weekend这周末我有几文章要批改,如what do you lot want你们这帮人想要怎么样)